Has Your Ship Sailed?
Are you missing out on Benefits?
Has your retirement account lost funds?
Have you questioned the Company handling your accounts?
Have you ever wondered if they are doing the best they can with your funds?
Would you like to get a 2nd opinion from a third party Independent Research firm with a report and analysis of your accounts?
Are you missing out on Benefits?
Has your retirement account lost funds?
Have you questioned the Company handling your accounts?
Have you ever wondered if they are doing the best they can with your funds?
Would you like to get a 2nd opinion from a third party Independent Research firm with a report and analysis of your accounts?
There are legal, governmental and personal documents available to you free of charge that could qualify you for additional benefits, tax savings, Medicare savings and Identity Protection.
What has changed significantly in the last 5 years?
What has changed significantly in the last 5 years?
- Privacy laws have eroded our ability to protect our personal affairs
- Tax laws have become even more complicated… hiding easy to do tax reductions from the average tax payer
- Health insurance and medical coverage has become a complicated and arduous endeavor
- Banks and Financial institutions have instituted actions to protect themselves… things that can actually hurt the unknowing customer
- The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau said information found in the Full Checklist and resources like it are essential for everyone to have.
- The U.S. Treasury said that tools like the Full Checklist can help close the gap Americans face in understanding the resources available to them.
- A leading research study (Harris Interactive) found that 86% of Americans would benefit from having information a personalized Full Checklist makes available to you.
- Studies reviewed by the Library of Congress found that though many Americans believed they knew what benefits they qualified for… almost none were aware of the benefits covered by the Full Checklist.
- Empirical research pursuant to the Dodd-Frank Act Section 917 finds that the kind of information available through the Full Checklist is essential to the middle and upper-middle class American.
- The Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) report found that the specific examples and simple illustrations of benefits like those shown in the Full Checklist are essential to every American.
- The same SEC report found that the clear, timely and easily accessible information available in resources like the Full Checklist are exactly what everyone needs to navigate the public, private and personal decisions when it comes to their finances and health.

Is it the Little Things or the Big Things that get us?
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