Our goal is to assist and save the family farm by Helping them to recover their operating expenses such as seed costs, fertilizer costs, chemicals, fuel costs and even health insurance to name a few.
What would it mean to your farm and business if you could recover any expense you wanted?
Such as $100,000 a year in seed costs?
And then to make interest on those costs and even use as a cash operating account?
After just a few short years we can help most farmers recover their entire operating costs for the year.
* Would you AND your farm be better off if you could recover any expense you wanted?
* Would you AND your farm be better off if you could become your own financing source?
* Do you agree that you should be in BOTH the business that creates your revenue AND the business that finances your farm?
* Would you AND your farm be better off by recovering the "Lost Opportunity Costs" associated with business expenses?
* Would it be beneficial to get money out of the farm on a Tax favorable basis to help pay farm expenses, purchases and even retirement?
* What expense causes you the most pain?
1) Increase Cash Flow and Profit Margins.
2) Recover part or all of monies spent on Targeted Expenses while still recording them
as an expense to the Farm.
3) Recover the Lost Opportunity Costs associated with these expenses.
Lost Opportunity Cost: You give up interest or investment returns you could have
earned somewhere else. Even if you pay cash.
4) Apply a banking model to your Farm.
5) Use the banking model to become your own financing source for future expenditures.
6) Get money out of the Farm on a Tax Favorable basis to help supplement retirement.
What would it mean to your farm and business if you could recover any expense you wanted?
Such as $100,000 a year in seed costs?
And then to make interest on those costs and even use as a cash operating account?
After just a few short years we can help most farmers recover their entire operating costs for the year.
* Would you AND your farm be better off if you could recover any expense you wanted?
* Would you AND your farm be better off if you could become your own financing source?
* Do you agree that you should be in BOTH the business that creates your revenue AND the business that finances your farm?
* Would you AND your farm be better off by recovering the "Lost Opportunity Costs" associated with business expenses?
* Would it be beneficial to get money out of the farm on a Tax favorable basis to help pay farm expenses, purchases and even retirement?
* What expense causes you the most pain?
1) Increase Cash Flow and Profit Margins.
2) Recover part or all of monies spent on Targeted Expenses while still recording them
as an expense to the Farm.
3) Recover the Lost Opportunity Costs associated with these expenses.
Lost Opportunity Cost: You give up interest or investment returns you could have
earned somewhere else. Even if you pay cash.
4) Apply a banking model to your Farm.
5) Use the banking model to become your own financing source for future expenditures.
6) Get money out of the Farm on a Tax Favorable basis to help supplement retirement.

The most common question everyone asks is:
"How do you do that?"
Well, it's impossible to explain on the phone or on a web site because of the variables involved of each individuals different expenses, income, tax structure, etc.
But we do have a program & system that is proprietary that we use after we have a basic financial worksheet completed.
We can then show the system and figures personalized to the individual, every step of the way for every year and every dollar.
You won't hear about it from other "Brokers" or "Advisors".
Why? Take a guess.....................Yep, You guessed it!
They don't make fees on it. Most don't even know about these specific types of accounts and have never been trained on them. If they do know, they darn sure don't want YOU to know. Brokers and advisors are trained to sell stocks, bonds, mutual funds and annuities. (Which include by the way, IRA's, 401(k)'s , Roth IRA's) The word "Withdrawal" or "Transfer" is a four letter word to them. Why? THEIR Income is being transferred away!
And yes, you can have both. These accounts can even be used to supplement retirement after one decides to retire the equipment & cash lease the ground.
Our company has proprietary, trademarked accounts and software to get it done. You wont find it anywhere else. The First thing to do is contact our office to schedule a consultation , analysis and review.
And since we work in association with the National Rural Coop, all services are free of charge.
If you'd like to save your seed, fertilizer or chemical costs for the year, give us a call or email us to schedule an appointment!
"How do you do that?"
Well, it's impossible to explain on the phone or on a web site because of the variables involved of each individuals different expenses, income, tax structure, etc.
But we do have a program & system that is proprietary that we use after we have a basic financial worksheet completed.
We can then show the system and figures personalized to the individual, every step of the way for every year and every dollar.
You won't hear about it from other "Brokers" or "Advisors".
Why? Take a guess.....................Yep, You guessed it!
They don't make fees on it. Most don't even know about these specific types of accounts and have never been trained on them. If they do know, they darn sure don't want YOU to know. Brokers and advisors are trained to sell stocks, bonds, mutual funds and annuities. (Which include by the way, IRA's, 401(k)'s , Roth IRA's) The word "Withdrawal" or "Transfer" is a four letter word to them. Why? THEIR Income is being transferred away!
And yes, you can have both. These accounts can even be used to supplement retirement after one decides to retire the equipment & cash lease the ground.
Our company has proprietary, trademarked accounts and software to get it done. You wont find it anywhere else. The First thing to do is contact our office to schedule a consultation , analysis and review.
And since we work in association with the National Rural Coop, all services are free of charge.
If you'd like to save your seed, fertilizer or chemical costs for the year, give us a call or email us to schedule an appointment!
Financial Concepts: P.O. Box 1058, Plainfield, IN 46168
Phone: 317-268-8178 Fax: 1-866-339-7338
Phone: 317-268-8178 Fax: 1-866-339-7338