Average” Dollar Allocations
For Every Dollar in our "Circle of Wealth" that we earn, a substantial amount of that dollar goes to Taxes & Interest.
This is also categorized as “Transferred” money.
1. Out of every dollar we receive about 40% goes to taxes of some kind. (Federal, state, local, sales tax, property tax, gas tax, utility tax, etc.)
2. Another 34% goes to interest on credit and purchase that we have, buy & finance.
3. About 23% is left over for lifestyle & the things that we buy and pay for on a daily basis.
4. Only about 3% (or less) is saved by the average American family.
The Average Family is Transferring away 74% of their income!
A “New & Different” Approach
By Utilizing A "Personal Banking” Concept & our “Money Management System” we look into the areas of Taxes, Interest, Expenses & Finances, and through unique individualized Structuring & Planning, Reduce Interest and Taxes that can be reallocated into savings! By utilizing our systems we can have a family Debt Free in 10 years or less Including their Mortgage without spending any additional money than they are right now.
And as a result have a Guaranteed Predictable Retirement account as a bonus!
For Every Dollar in our "Circle of Wealth" that we earn, a substantial amount of that dollar goes to Taxes & Interest.
This is also categorized as “Transferred” money.
1. Out of every dollar we receive about 40% goes to taxes of some kind. (Federal, state, local, sales tax, property tax, gas tax, utility tax, etc.)
2. Another 34% goes to interest on credit and purchase that we have, buy & finance.
3. About 23% is left over for lifestyle & the things that we buy and pay for on a daily basis.
4. Only about 3% (or less) is saved by the average American family.
The Average Family is Transferring away 74% of their income!
A “New & Different” Approach
By Utilizing A "Personal Banking” Concept & our “Money Management System” we look into the areas of Taxes, Interest, Expenses & Finances, and through unique individualized Structuring & Planning, Reduce Interest and Taxes that can be reallocated into savings! By utilizing our systems we can have a family Debt Free in 10 years or less Including their Mortgage without spending any additional money than they are right now.
And as a result have a Guaranteed Predictable Retirement account as a bonus!

By saving in areas that normally money is transferred away from you to Taxes, Interest, creditors, credit cards, loans and similar expenses, it can be used more effectively by you to increase savings, interest & dividends and can be used as ,"Collateral” to purchase items and then paid back to yourself further increasing your wealth. It can also be accessed tax free under contract law.
Most Brokers And Financial Advisors don't address the REAL issue of Debt & Interest. They try to steer clients towards Fee Producing products such as stocks & Mutual Funds. Or they will tell you THEY can do better and make a higher interest rate than the other guy steering people towards higher risk accounts. Very Risky.
They don't address the REAL Issues. If one address fixing taxes and Interest, they have more for saving and Lifestyle!
We will help you Find The Money~~~~IRAs / 401(k)s / 403(b)s / Government Plans, Lazy Money / Savings, Insurance Premiums / Deductibles, Tax-Refunds, Restructure Debt / Equity, Current Insurance Cash Value, Annuities, etc.
Most Brokers And Financial Advisors don't address the REAL issue of Debt & Interest. They try to steer clients towards Fee Producing products such as stocks & Mutual Funds. Or they will tell you THEY can do better and make a higher interest rate than the other guy steering people towards higher risk accounts. Very Risky.
They don't address the REAL Issues. If one address fixing taxes and Interest, they have more for saving and Lifestyle!
We will help you Find The Money~~~~IRAs / 401(k)s / 403(b)s / Government Plans, Lazy Money / Savings, Insurance Premiums / Deductibles, Tax-Refunds, Restructure Debt / Equity, Current Insurance Cash Value, Annuities, etc.